Boruto manga 56: Naruto the corrupt polititian D:

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Naruto is on the verge of a political scandal because of his direct involvement which caused the latest Otsutsuki attack in Konoha, he might lose his position as Hokage... yeah that would have been such an awesome scenario for Naruto´s character development... but no... he did nothing wrong :v

Naruto finally plays the "corrupt goverment" card and covers-up the events of the Otsutsuki attack to save his own skin, also forces his son to be part of a charade and declares him a "national hero" to distract everyone from his mistakes, omg that is emotional abuse. But hey, he just wants "the best for Konoha"... by utterly lying to them, so i´m afraid that Naruto has become a control freak and he should quit power ASAP.

Don´t forget that it was HIS idea to keep Kawaki in Konoha even though he was being chased by the same aliens that caused the attack during the chuunin exam. Naruto knew what they were capable of but noooo, he wanted to play "Full House" (a 90s family sitcom with Bob Saget), ignored the red flags and now he has endangered his people, himself and lost Kurama in the process. 

Any person who has lived in a corrupt government (aka. latin americans) can identify this pattern, and Naruto is getting away with it because nobody is telling him "i told you so" or pointing out his mistakes to make him reflect on his actions, and that is sad for the story. He has the best intentions but he is not being held accountable for his mistakes since he is not aware of them until someone tells him. 

Whatever... the manga is about Burrito so the next chapter ♫ we will have a training montage ♫ :v
